So broken that you get to your crudest state of purity.
That which allows to be real,
That which allows you to see your essentiality,
That which gives you back the genuine,
That which allows you to return your wings.
Broken but recovered
With more force
To fly with new intensity ...
one that you did not know,
because you are also another.
Yes, there is no going back
And each step is now someone new.
You are never the same as you left the previous step
That's why I wanted to see you so broken
How to see you again bloom
From the naivety of the malice that you had to suffer
To be able to see you again rebuilt and shining
without good sense, as always
Just for being what you wanted to be when you were a storm,
and what you will always be
But now in another scene
And with the authentic new look
Observing from another prism,
That which makes the heart happy.